On the way in: presumably a way memorial or victory...
On the way in: not sure what this is - maybe a sports...
Family shrines in the Giac Lam Pagoda
Our tour bus with the happy frog
Mary sampling the Christmas fare (the black and white...
The meat department at Binh Tay market, the biggest...
Incense of every sort at Thien Hau...
Applying eggshell at the Tay Son...
Rather odd equestrian statue
Catching up with the diary
We're not sure what this is - possibly the US Naval HQ?
Can't identify this one either - railway station perhaps?
Down the street towards the French-built Opera
The same street with three women cycling
The Rex Hotel, also built by the French, where...
The boulevard towards City Hall - again, French-built
The statue of Uncle Ho in front of City Hall
City Hall in all its splendour
Two women gardeners in the City Hall park
Inside the magnificent main post office
The Roman Catholic Cathedral, across the road from...
The army comes to a halt beside the cathedral
There are one or two motorbikes in Saigon