From the Lao Cai to Sapa bus in the early morning...
The sun puts in a feeble appearance
We begin to get an inkling of the mountainous terrain
One of the Black H'mong men in Sapa
Leaving the town on our trek: a new development of...
A view of the terraced valley. There are a lot of...
...because the terraces do something very special for... we make no apology for it.
In fact, here's a panorama of terraces to prove our...
Here you can see how wet some of them are.
One of the most intensely terraced views of all
The terraces are all paddies for growing rice...
...which you can see poking out of the water here.
Here are some ducks in one of the paddies.
Looking along the Muong Hoa river
A stand of bamboo by the river
A Black H'mong boy having a rest
Another buffalo, not quite so happy about being...
View of the river, with a bridge we're on our way to...
The small bridge we crossed
The bridge from the other side
The restaurant where we had lunch
Chickens waiting for lunch
The blue hut is the restaurant toilet - you can just...
A group of friendly Black H'mong girls - with...
A water-powered rice mill in the up position...
The water fills the rear end, which you can just see...
Dog, pigs and pigeon in one of the villages
Kitchen equipment in a house we visited
The boiler in the same house
Bamboo and more H'mong girls
Some more terraced paddies, with rice clearly visible
Julie and Stephanie (who said it was like 'walking...
We think this screen means someone is ill or has even...
Building a new house is a communal activity.
Various bamboo-related tasks going on here
Where slept, with the sacks of rice
Local lad dragging a log down the path
A member of the local sales force lying in wait at...
Looking down the waterfall to the paddies below
Mary against the dramatic backdrop
This Dao woman is determined to sell Mary something.
The bottom of the waterfall
You can just about make out some figures up where we...
Another house, another kitchen - they do at least get...
What a contrast between these Dao women's fine...
Two boys and a ghetto blaster
These bottles under the door let some light in...
The rest are way ahead of us on the bridge.
This is where we teetered precariously along the...
More Dao women with their wares
Three Black H'mong girls resting with their back...
Oops! This is the main road back to Sapa - and we...
The traffic backed up waiting to get through
The backhoe is dropping the rocks over the edge here...
Much argument ensued over clearing the way for us.
The bikers check out the situation...
...then take matters into their own hands.
We did get through eventually.