Tree roots at Ta Prohm, one of the...
A colonnade at Banteay Kdei, Angkor, Cambodia
Sunset reflected in the moat at...
A lone bike at Chong Kneas, on the...
Typical housing, also at Chong...
A man looking over Tonlé Sap Lake, Cambodia at...
The 'floating forest', Tonlé Sap Lake, Cambodia
A friendly greeting on the Tonlé Sap Lake near...
Looking down the steps and out over the plain from...
A Cambodian ox-cart and a sugar...
Innocence and horror: local girls...
Part of the audience for a theatre show in Phnom Penh
Flower of the cannonball tree in the gardens of the...
Boat on the river at Phnom Penh
Inside a rice mill in the Mekong Delta
Incense at a Buddhist temple in Ho...
A mushroom farm in Vietnam's...
An accidental black and white shot from a bridge in...
Late afternoon over Lak Lake in the Central Highlands
Pigs at Buom Jun village, Lak Lake
Locals crossing Lak Lake by elephant
Breaking rocks to sell at a road...
Fishing by electric shock in the Central Highlands
Curious rocks in a Central Highlands river
A Vietnamese boy enjoys his rice cake
An ox at Jungle Beach, Vietnam
The same ox with a very small friend
View of frangipani trees and the Stele Pavilion at Tu...
Du Khiem boat landing, Tu Duc's Tomb, near Hué
On the Perfume River near Hué
The Huc bridge to Ngoc Son Temple, Hoan Kiem Lake, Hanoi
Thap Rua (Tortoise Tower), Hoan Kiem Lake, Hanoi
Boats on Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
Sunset on Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
Mary silhouetted against the same sunset
A lone fisherman in Ha Long Bay...
The table laid for lunch on Van Boi island, Ha Long...
Rock pool on Van Boi island, Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
Moody sky over Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
Early morning mist in the valley below Sapa, Vietnam
Rice terraces in the mountains near...
Buffalo in a rice paddy near Sapa, Vietnam
Pigeon, dog and pigs near Sapa, Vietnam
Sewing near Sapa, Vietnam
Dao women near Sapa, Vietnam
Black H'mong girls near Sapa, Vietnam
Escalators at Singapore airport