Approaching by bus: the first glimpse of some karsts...
One of the junks that cruise round the bay, docked at...
Another junk, with a rather elaborate cabin
Our junk was too big and luxurious to dock, so we...
The boats disperse across the bay - and there's...
An island with a couple of small pavilions (temples?)
The same island with its beach
A shot of islands - the kind of photo we have too...
The Dragon's Pearl, our superb...
This gives an idea of the cragginess of the rocks
Hang Sung Sot ('Amazing Caves')
Looking over the bay after emerging from Hang Sung Sot
You wonder how some of them stay up
Another that looks as if it might topple any day
The locals still fish here - and apparently hang up...
Yes, that is a tiny gap below the rock
One of the many junks plying the waters loaded with...
Our guide Ngoc (in the hat) ready to take some of our...
There they go with the kayaks in tow
Time for another shot of some islands
Van Boi Beach, ready for lunch
There are lots of these little lighthouses dotted about
More islands, with a freight vessel in the distance
Returning to Ha Long City, showing the beginnings of...
The Emeraude, reputedly extremely expensive and luxurious
One last shot at the dock