Band of land-mine victim buskers at Ta Prohm, Angkor...
Band of land-mine victim buskers at Banteay Srei...
In-bus entertainment: Cambodian...
Musicians for the Mekong Project performance in Phnom...
Small collection of musical instruments at the Silver...
A gong play at the Silver Pagoda
Xylophones and the boat-like bass instrument in the...
Ngo Tuyet Mai demonstrates the dan bau in the music...
T'rung (seen from behind) in the Reunification Palace
Ngo Tuyet Mai demonstrates the ghim pum (?)
Part of a 'traditional', but actually rather cheesy...
The musicians for a better 'traditional' performance...
The band for the Water Puppets in Hanoi
A Very Large Drum at the Temple of Literature, Hanoi
Minh's Jazz Club, Hanoi: the house band, led by Minh...