Havana Bus from Havana to Trinidad Trinidad Bus from Trinidad to Camagüey Camagüey Bus from Camagüey to Santiago Santiago Bus from Santiago to Baracoa Baracoa Bus from Havana to Viñales Bus from Havana to Viñales Viñales Las Terrazas map of Cuba

Cuba: hot, fascinating, musical, entertaining, paradoxical, sometimes frustrating, but not to be missed. There really is nowhere else like it, and our advice to anyone who wants to go there is (as of 2010): go as soon as possible!

Latest: We have made our choice of the photos we reckon to be the best for their own sake. The original intention was a top 50, but that grew to a top 75 plus the one and only panorama. You can see them here.

In late 2009, five years after our trip to SE Asia, we went to Cuba. We flew direct from London to Havana and explored from there. Apart from one internal flight, all our travel was on the excellent Viazul tourist buses. These took us via Trinidad de Cuba, Camagüey and Santiago de Cuba to Baracoa at the far south-eastern end of Cuba. After flying back to Havana, we took the bus west to Viñales and finally back to Havana again, from where we flew home.

In our month or so in the country, we took nearly 1900 photographs, a little over 1100 of which are here. Their quality is variable: most are mediocre, some are pretty poor but may still have content of interest, and there are a few we're really pleased with - but you can decide into which of these categories each one fits.

There's just one panorama, which came out very well (we leave it to you to find it! Hint: it's towards the end of the trip), all the rest being single shots, most from our Canon DSLR, the rest from our Olympus compact. Where appropriate they've been cropped, straightened and/or otherwise tweaked.

The photos are divided into sections according to the progress of our journey. You can click on the map above to see photos of each of the places we stayed, or the bus journeys in between. We've also cross-referenced many of them by general subject matter: plants, animals, transport and so on - see the links on the right.

Unlike in SE Asia, we didn't send any emails to friends. Due to the problems with Internet access in Cuba, it simply wasn't practical to write and send long reports. However, we did keep a diary of sorts, of which in due course we hope to include a digest here, so watch this space! Meanwhile...

Enjoy the photos!

Mary and Chris

A fine example of the state of the buildings in Havana.
A fine example of the state of the...
Viva el 26 de Julio.
Viva el 26 de Julio.
A classic row of Trinidad houses.
A classic row of Trinidad houses.
The sculpture at the entrance to El Oasis, our rest stop on the way from Trinidad to Camagüey.
The sculpture at the entrance to El...
The girl standing up in the Chevy Impala in Camagüey might have been enjoying her quinceañera, a celebration for the coming of age on her 15th birthday.
The girl standing up in the Chevy...
An imposing building under a dramatic sky on the way from Camagüey to Santiago.
An imposing building under a...
A typical arcade in Santiago. This shot gives a good impression of the slope of many of the streets here.
A typical arcade in Santiago. This...
Right up in the mountains on La Farola from Santiago to Baracoa.
Right up in the mountains on La...
A mural in Baracoa, at the far eastern end of Cuba.
A mural in Baracoa, at the far...
An early sighting of the mogotes in the Viñales valley.
An early sighting of the mogotes in...
A view down the main street of Viñales.
A view down the main street of Vi...
The steps down to the lake at Laz Terrazas.
The steps down to the lake at Laz...
The Tocororo or Cuban Trogon - the national bird of Cuba.
The Tocororo or Cuban Trogon - the...
The Royal palm (Roystonea regia) - the national tree of Cuba.
The Royal palm (Roystonea regia) - the national tree...
A Mariposa blanca (White butterfly flower), (Hedychium coronarium) - also called a White ginger lily - the national flower of Cuba.
A Mariposa blanca (White butterfly...
A jutía - tree rat - Cuba's largest land mammal, in Raudeli Delgado's garden near Baracoa.
A jutía - tree rat - Cuba's...
A Pandanus leaf in the Baconao park near Santiago.
A Pandanus leaf in the Baconao park...
Our favouritely named snacks, Pellets.
Our favouritely named snacks, Pellets.
Los Jubilados del Caribe, playing in the street in Santiago.
Los Jubilados del Caribe, playing...
Arriving in Trinidad with our luggage being helpfully portered from the bus.
Arriving in Trinidad with our...

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